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The Purpose of Sacrifice

Hebrews: Where Else Would We Go

Preached by: Pastor Jeremiah Vaught | 05/21/23

Scripture/Text: ; Scripture/Text: Hebrews 10:1-18; One clear truth that emerges in this Sunday's scripture is that God commanded Israel to make sacrifices that were insufficient in important ways (Hebrews 10:8-10). The burden of my sermon will be to reflect on why God commanded Israel to make these animal offerings if they were insufficient, and how their purposes reveal why God calls us to make sacrifices today. The stakes are high for understanding the purpose of sacrifice. To misunderstand what God is doing in sacrifice will taint our conceptions of God. Also, if in making sacrifices we don't see that God has any good purpose in us doing so, we will also be miserable. It will be valuable, then, for us to consider the role of sacrifice in following Jesus. See you all on Sunday to hear from God on why the Lord invites sacrifice.