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Dealing With The Treacherous

Genesis: Ordering Chaos

Preached by: Pastor Jeremiah Vaught | 08/21/22

Scripture/Text: ; Scripture/Text: Genesis 42 & 43; The famine Joseph predicted has come. In the early stages of the famine, Jacob encourages ten of his sons to go get grain from Egypt. What happens when they arrive and meet the brother they sold into slavery is what the majority of my sermon will address. Joseph seems fully in charge, except when he cannot control his emotions. In the way Joseph relates to his brothers, we will glean two brief lessons on how to deal with the treacherous. You may not feel like such concern applies to you. At some point, we will need to respond well to the mistreatment of a loved one. Whether you currently envision someone who has betrayed in this way, my sermon will equip you for either current or future relational tension.